When to Call for Emergency Water Heater Repairs: A Quick Guide
A water heater can develop problems over time, but in what situations should you arrange for an emergency repair? It can be intimidating to call to report a problem when you’re not sure if it’s really an emergency. Below is a list of problems to be aware of.
Emergency Water Heater Repair Situations
Potential Problems
Not sure what signs of trouble to look for? Here is a list of potential problems that can occur and, if not addressed, could result in an emergency call.
- The water is too hot: If you notice the hot water coming out of your faucets changing so much that it’s much hotter than usual, there could be a problem. The cause could be a temperature set too high, a faulty mixer, or even something worse.
- Water is too cold: Cold water is usually a sign that there’s a problem with your water heater, so if you notice it, it could be due to a problem with the pilot light, temperature setting, etc.
- There’s a leak: Look around your water heater from time to time and see if you see any puddles of water forming on the floor. These puddles of water are caused by a leak that may be coming from your water heater. It’s definitely an emergency repair.
- Water is colored: By colored water, do we mean that your water has a brown or yellow hue when you turn on your faucets? This is due to the buildup of deposits in your water heater, which can cause major problems over time.
- Water smells funny: If your water has a brown or yellow hue, it may be associated with an unpleasant odor – this can happen with your water even if it’s clear! Be sure to pay attention to changing odors from the faucets when the water is running, as this may prompt an emergency repair.
- Unusual noises: If you hear a change in the crackling sounds in your home and something seems “off,” there may be a problem with your water heater. Most of the noises come from near your water heater, but can also be heard in other areas of your home. Listen for popping, crackling, and high-pitched noises.
Emergency Repair Situations
The problems listed to be aware of include situations that should be reported as an emergency:
- Leaks: When we talk about leaks, we are not talking about minor leaks that could be addressed at another time. Leaks can be large, such as a large puddle or a situation that develops quickly. Large leaks can cause severe damage to your home and property and pose a danger to children, pets, and even yourself.
- Water temperature: Cold water causes a problem in heating clear water, but it is not a major emergency. On the other hand, extremely hot water is a major problem as it can cause many injuries such as burns and put children and yourself at risk.
- Water quality: Any change in water quality makes it difficult to determine if it is truly an emergency. However, we recommend treating these signs as a major concern, as ignoring them can lead to dangers such as bacterial growth.
If you experience a potential problem or emergency with your Water Heater unit, contact us today for assistance.
Contact Us
Whatever your water heater needs, Real Texas Plumbing is here to help. Whether you need maintenance, advice or assistance, take advantage of our experts. For more information, don’t hesitate to contact us today.